feel free to con­tact us
any­time, anywhere:


© 2022 / Berlin

Haar. True Cre­ativ­i­ty_

All you need to cre­ate the per­fect exhi­bi­tion room that every design­er, artist and illus­tra­tor dreams of. 

Show your work. Inspire

Ignite the world with your strik­ing­ly show­cased art using Haar’s beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed, eas­i­ly cus­tomiz­able homepages. 

Sin­gle Project Layouts

Exhib­it your work with style and wow the crowd by using Haar’s col­lec­tion of jaw-drop­ping­ly engag­ing port­fo­lio sin­gle templates. 

Prac­ti­cal Inner Pages

Haar comes ful­ly decked-out, com­plete with a remark­able col­lec­tion of ready-to-go inner page tem­plates for var­i­ous uses. 

It’s a relent­less, uncom­pro­mis­ing way to show­case your work in all its glo­ry. Wel­come to Haar.